[laughter] and steve carell and the producer of the peace, a guy named mike mckinney had laid out a seriestions. steve carell is a world-class improviser, so that if you asked this question, and he says next, here's how you respond -- he says x, this is how you respond. improviserrld-class is working with civilians who do not know that they are in an improv. so they develop all of these questions about what they will ask mccain, and most of them are softball such as -- what kind of tree would you be? what became famous at the end of that piece, and a turning point in the development of the show, was that corel asked mccain, senator, you have been a strident opponent off porkbarrel spending, how can you justify that when you were a chair of the commerce committee, you ok'd billions of dollars in porkbarrel spending? and mccain freezes, it is a deer in the headlights moment. and then steve carell bursts the tension by saying -- i was just joking, i do not even know what that means. me, and fascinating to steve carell did not even remember when i talked to him, they found that question in tim