emily: by the way, mike moritz has a history degree.itz credits his success on the fact that don valentine took a risk on him. >> what did you find? >> republishing this on medium. -- we're publishing this on medium. of the top 100 investors on midas, 95 our men and five are women. 61% have a degree in a stem field. that means the rest do not. almost 40% of the midas list does not have a stem background. if we look at the split between men and women, 61% of men on the list had a stem degree. 80% of the females on the list had a stem degree. andink when people use stem a stem background as the excuse for why women are not becoming unconsciousoints to bias specifically. let's look at the top vc's in the world right now. peter thiel. mike. three of those four were philosophy majors. to the topeir way not needing a stem degree to get there. our believe is, there's a combination of many things that make you successful. we want to talk about the journey of a female vc. it cannot be the narrative that there are not enough qualified women becau