mike mulla omar has been out of the public eye for so long, how much does confirmation of his death reallyr? >> first of all let's be a little cautious. a jaundiced eye as we look at reports from the afghan services. mullah omar has been signing off messages on the internet as little as five days ago. also we have not had confirmation from the united states government. we haven't had confirmation from the taliban itself. and we're still waiting to hear from the white house. but in terms of how it matters you have to look at the larger picture here. i think as a political matter the obama administration domestically will trumpet this news as a success. but some of the details are a little bit sketchy and again you have to approach this with caution. to review the reports say that he was killed in pakistan two years ago dieing in a hospital in karachi. as you rightly pointed out paul, we have to figure out what is going on here and, in fact, why did it take so long. the afghan government is involved in direct negotiations to happen in pakistan to take place in pakistan with the taliban. thos