. >> i once heard the most wonderful story about mike nichols that he wanted to learn to watch by...simon wanted to learn to directly watching mike nichols but all he talked about was their children and where they ate for dinner and yet somehow the play got better. >> so. >> rose: what does a director do to make sure that you will be able to hopefully make the movie in your head? >> boy, i think it's really about trying to create some circumstance to carve away, push away the entropy of life and create a sacred space in which these magical creature cans do what they do and facilitate that and sometimes it means a goad here and a push there and i used to be much more overdetermined in that but i think it's really now about... gee, it's... it's so inneffable. it's really about an exchange. it's an exchange between my intentions and my ability to let go of all those intentions and try to see what's really happen and try to just mold that in some way. >> rose: you made us face embarrassment over and over again in the process. you have to be game to open like that. when you're working wit