his wife connie, their daughter julia nixon and her husband mike nixon. good morning to all of you. see you're all okay. >> good morning. >> great to be here. >> stan, i know you had just finished the race minutes before the explosions. you were actually in the medical tent. can you describe for me what you heard and what was your reaction? >> i was there in the medical tent. all of a sudden this loud reverberating, guttural boom. it just shook you right to your core. we stood up and looked around, said what's going on. the nurse people were looking at us. we said, what was that? we went over to the edge and looked out. then another one went off just immediately thereafter. we thought it was a bomb. we have to get out of here. i took off, headed out. figured i needed to make room for some real victims. took off down the street. and the police were all running towards the incident. and we were running away. i thought best thing to do is just get out of here. i climbed up over a fence and went down a side street and was really worried about my family. because i knew they had been righ