i told mike, john dingle doesn't take his first name. [laughter] he thinks his name is that, oxley. [laughter] he credits mike with having divided the committee. that's where we are, but it's extraordinary interesting committee. i have to say that the -- it's a combination of some of the most difficult political issues that we have and some of the most complex intellectuals getting the financial situation right is a very hard thing to do, and, yes, it is complicated right now by the fact there's ideological divisions, but spencer is right, it does not on the whole get in way of personal relationships, and with do work to try and reach agreements. we did it on flood insurance and trying to do it on others. in the end i think all of us would say, spencer i know agrees and mike and jim who was a great chairman, of all the people i served with, i must tell you i was most profoundly effected by a great man, chairman of the committee whose passion for fairness in this country was so enormous. i will tell one jim story. when paul was clearly no longer going to be head of world bank, alan gr