here to talk a little bit more about this is kansas republican congressman mike of the house select committee on intelligence. congressman, thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you, wolf, thanks for having me on today. >> i know you've been briefed with other members of the committee on the investigation. first of all what are federal investigators hoping to learn from his wife? >> look, wolf, there's a lot we already know. there's many questions that remain unanswered from his wife. they want to understand his pattern of life. the things he did, the individuals he hung around, trying to draw any connections out that might suggest there are further links and further individuals out there intending to do the same kind of harm that mr. rahami intended to do. >> yesterday, investigators released this picture, i'll put it on the screen, two people they want to talk to as witnesses after stressing the two men aren't suspects. the new york city mayor bill de blasio was a little less adamant this morning when he was interviewed on cnn's "new day," listen to this.