. >> veteran detectives chris and mike prill were assigned to the case.it was still early, a lot to figure out. >> we're still just trying to get ahead of the ball game or catch up and find out what everyone's statements are, where were they, what issues there may or may not be there. >> first, they had to clear the usual suspects. they had brought kelly in, of course, she was the murdered man's spouse, so would she benefit from his death? >> did randy have any, like, life insurance policies or anything like that? >> yes. there was actually two, they were 5,000 each. >> pretty nominal amounts. >> yeah. so not really worth killing somebody? >> right. >> as for their relationship, well, kelly offered a different view of randy. >> so you're separated? what was the reason for the separation? >> randy was just kind of mean and i just couldn't take it anymore. >> she explained that randy was not necessarily nice to her often, that he was volatile, that she had moved out of the home and was staying with her friend terry. >> then about an hour and a half into the