. >> reporter: mike rencheck, the chief operating officer of areva by we signs and builds nuclear reactors, thank you for your time. >> thank you so much. >> tom: today's market drop was >> tom: we had building worries about japan today, more unrest in libya, and that weak housing starts number really taking it to u.s. stocks and shareholders. let's get you updated tonight in our market focus. today's market drop was broad- based and erased gains we had seen this year. we'll roll out this year's trading of the s&p 500. here we are. it's now back to where it was when january began. this high was hit february 18. since then, the index is down almost 6.5%. that was middle of february. while stock prices have been falling, fear has been rising. this is the chicago board options exchange volatility index, this of course measures fear levels by using option prices. when this moves up, stocks tend to move down. it shot up strong today, 21%, and is at a level not seen since july. technology drove the selling today. i.b.m. was the biggest dow industrial loser, off almost 4%. investment bank sanford