but first, one of cnn's newest family members, mike roe made a name for himself by getting dirty. l impact your world. >>> during his eight seasons of "dirty jobs," mike learned all about the hard working men and women keeping america running. he found there was a disconnect between unemployment and available jobs. >> everywhere i was going, i saw help wanted signs. everybody i talked to said how hard it was to find people who were willing to retool, retrain, learn a truly useful skill, and apply it. micro works evolved to shine a light on a lot of jobs that for whatever reason were going unloved. and then we set up a foundation and began to award work ethic scholarships. >> it's really, really great to be here. >> reporter: roe travels the country to get his message out. >> this is the biggest stem event in the people. people love acronyms. and science, technology, engineering and math are, in fact, the careers that are going to keep the country competitive. a lot of these stems -- if you take the skill out of any of those disciplines, then what do you have? you can't promote care