. -- mike salbury. this is a request to about your weight the trevaluate the traffg program, and looking at the way products are delivered to the community. we give an overview of the history of the traffic calming froprogram, but it does have three tracks. what is the local neighborhood track that is delivering speed reduction projects to local communities and local streets. there is a track that is currently used to fund the participation in larger part arterial projects. the final track is the school track, which is providing local map funding. the effort that mta is undertaking is really rebalancing the program to focus on newly-identified city objectives in terms of pedestrian safety. as you know, the mayor recently set up a pedestrian safety task force, and that task force did some analysis, and we gave you the methodology in the analysis and it is in the package for you and stuff to look at. in that analysis, the majority of high-injury collisions is bound to be on arterial. so this is really an