mike skeels to come along because of fears of biological retaliation. >> and as we were going up that thinking, for a microbiologist this is going to be a pretty interesting day. >> no shots were fired. in the commune's licensed medical center, skeels found samples of various bacteria, standard testing material for a small clinic. >> one of these vials contained salmonella typhimurium. i remember at the time they told me to look for salmonella, if i found any i'm supposed to seize it as evidence. there it is. so i'll seize it. but i wasn't thinking at all that this was related to the outbreak. >> shortly after the raid rajneesh left on one of his private jets. he was arrested in north carolina on the immigration charges. meanwhile, the cdc tested the salmonella found in the commune's lab using a technique called plasmid profiling. plasmids are sections of free-floating genetic material outside the bacterial chromosome. bacteria can exchange plasmids, allowing a colony to genetically adapt. >> and you would then use the size of the plasmid and some other characteristics of it to see wh