there was an article -- an op-ed in the "wall street journal" by phil greene and mike slong saying if we just followed the same policies reagan followed when he inherited a really bad economy, we would have about 17 million more americans working today, and that our gdp per family would be about $23,000 higher. the bake question, we all recognize that the constitution says the federal government has certain basic responsibilities. it's explicit we have to provide for national security. some people feel we need to provide for basic research, funding, and i agree with that. that particular idea. but then everything sells really sort of on the table, when you look forward. so my questions are fairly simple. i'd like you to give me the abbreviated abridged reader's digest response if you can. who's the better allocator of capital to the greater public good? is it the private sector or the federal government? >> well, as i was saying earlier, there are some area where is the federal government is the only provider. it's hard to get the private sector to provide -- >> roads, but for -- you