snyder. great man. you beat poor pacific 86 to 24. mike you had to lay 86 on them.gram anymore after what you did to them. >> poor pacific tigers. >> yeah, it was, it was a great year there. there's some great players. you're seeing them here. this is maybe my favorite throw of my whole college career to sean dawkins. we just lost this year. but a fantastic player, great teammate, russell white. you just see there, brian trey says, i mean, the greats on that football team are insane. and we're not even talking about the line. there's doug. brian just went in the hall of fame at cal, but troy, ozzie and steve gordon, i mean, eric malone, todd steussie, just some greats on that football team. and again, that's what i'm talking about. when you lose a pac 12, it's all of our legacy and they blew it up. >> just that nostalgia. they're looking at all those great highlights. i want to make this authentic from like the interview that that was done just wired this. this is the pre-digital age, by the way. this is, i think, the same microphone flag that we had earlier. and lu