if i could have mike theriault and james b. wood jr. come up to the podium? so first of all, just wanted to personally give a shoutout to both of you. i think something that we worked on that really helped our agency really address our infrastructure need and that was working with you to create one of the biggest project labor agreements. i think it's one of -- it's a model project labor agreement and we liked it so much we added to it. we added another $12 billion on the $4.8 billion project labor agreement. and i think vince and i actually signed that. that was at the southeast community facility, where we added just a little $12 billion on to that. what is really unique and really lost when we talk about project labor agreement, is the way we help small businesses and communities and working with c.b.o.s and the whole training effort and i think that's something that needs to be highlighted and all the great work that you worked with us when we had a cohort of women in construction. and so i just find great pleasure working with you guys because the values