i'm not some little women standing by my man mike timmy wynette.se you can put half of trump supporters into the basket of the portables. her greatest hits, these golden all these are sure to warm your heart. will put minors out of business. plus, what's the difference. what difference does it make. >> and who can forget her runaway hit. hillary's greatest hits. where were you when you first heard these gems. long walk in the words, no one ever said that to a man, my fair share of chardonnay. and you can get the bonus backtrack. if you act now you can get this for just a penny more. the whole back catalog is here and it's in this set. enjoy the ritz like russia, bernie sanders, women's whose husband told them to vote for berni bernie sanders, james, and so much more. get yours today, available kmart. [laughter] [applause] great hits for the holidays coming up in seven or eight months. i have a theory. fnc should give hillary clinton a tv show, sunday, 8:00 p.m. and she will generate so many clips that we could run them all week. correct? >> i think