joining me for an exclusive interview, the author of that letter, mike weisser. thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. thanks for having me on. >> what pushed you to this point to break with the nra like this. you're a life member, a gun seller yourself. what got you to this point? >> what got me to this point is the fact it seems increasingly nra leadership is taking an extreme position on issues that we really all should come around and get together on. i mean, i don't think the issue of background checks really has anything to do with whether or not people are in favor or opposed to the second amendment. i know a lot of people that aren't gun owners. i know many gun owners. all of us recognize that a background check is a very important tool for keeping guns out of the wrong hands. well, the fact that you have a tool like that doesn't say that you're opposed to the second amendment or to the rights of gun owners to own their guns. there's no connection between those two things. >> mike, i want to read something that you wrote in your letter to wayne lapierr