mike splinter, chairman and c.e.o. of applied materials, chad holloday, chairman of the bank of america, william hite, president of the united association of plumbers and pipe fitters, and deborah wynn smith, the president of the c.e.o. counsel. the letter succinctly stated that -- quote -- "scientific researchers and skilled workers are the basis for new ideas, new technologies, new products and services, new companies, even entirely new industries. the american economy cannot compete and grow if we neglect our capacity to innovate." the presiding officer: without objection. mr. bingaman: thank you, mr. president. the other letter is from 175 universities, industries, and laboratories, including the u.s. chamber of commerce, and it supports the goals outlined in the america competes act and asks that -- and it goes on to ask the congress to reject the cuts adopted by the house funding bill. i would ask that that second letter also be included in the record. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. bingaman: let me move to the issue of homeland security. over the last several years, we've had a lot of speeches here in the senate about the need to bolster border security, partic