. >> my name is mikeel nolan and a resident of san francisco since 1970 and living in bernal heights. hi the pleasure of meeting cesar ascarrunz and he's been a pioneer and a hands on guy. when you give him a license you know he's going to be responsible in managing the place, managing the people, welcome being the customers, taking care of security. >> >> and playing the 59's on in the. >> >> and playing the piano in the band. this is in a warehouse district. i showed cesar the place several months ago. it's an existing ball room which teaches ball room dance classes and he saw it and he talked to the owner of the business and introduced the idea of bringing more people into this very quiet warehouse district to do dancing so i strongly support this. i think it will be great. dancing is very popular in this city and it will bring to this lonesome area of the bay view some culture and excitement. >> thank you mr. nolan. anyone else that would like to speak? >> hi supervisors. thank you for your consideration of this item. the project sponsor did reach out to our office and our initial