other hand, durov positioned himself as a person who would create a platform, by the way, mikhail gennadovich delyagin also wrote about this, including in his book the world after information, so to create that platform that would be able to, well, in something to be an analogue of both visa and master card of the largest information platforms, which are now soon recognized to replace money. that is, there is such a line of thought among it specialists, on this occasion he played too much, and of course, his similar detention on the part of macron was a very stupid step, the president of france called himself a very stupid declaration, then he knows nothing about durov, why then make a declaration that he even knows who durov is, otherwise he was not going to meet him for dinner, which means everyone thinks that on the contrary, something was probably going on, the cult soon declares such things, in general and as a whole i can note, yes , the french foreign intelligence service is involved in this. and this is not the drm, military intelligence is the foreign intelligence of the jso, at the head of t