she appeared. when it burned down mikhail efremovich that is, how did it burn out? what do you want say this? after 90 percent burns, people do not survive. burned down and reborn as a different person. ideally suited for war, he is her offspring, just like this tiger. and you mean alexey nikolaevich in what i say mikhail efremovich is no more mysticism. what is in darwin's theory about the evolution of living organisms under the influence of the conditions of their existence? or do you think darwin's theory is mystical? i don't know about darwin, but the devil is in god. i believe in the war i believed. although, of course, a communist. what are remember major my army co berlin is moving at a speed of 50 kilometers a day and nothing will stop it. as for darwin, i will say this. tired you got tired of that and all nonsense climbs your head. i will give you a vacation, 10 days, you will rest. will you come yourself? will you return to berlin, will we take it? come in. your seats are here. ask the german plenipotentiaries if they are familiar with the act? a complete