the origin of its name is associated with another famous owner of the city, mikhail kazimir aginsky. uncle of that same mikhail kleofas, the author of the most famous polonaise in the world. although mikhail kazimir became more famous for his political work, he was also interested in art and opened a theater in slonim. his stage was so size, that it showed horse battles and clashes. ships, the water was also real, singers and musicians were invited from italy and poland, after the performance they could take their souls to the first cafehaus in the city, in a chic casino and restaurant. what dishes were treated to the artists there, history is silent, but i know for sure what elephants are treated to today. i approached the locals and asked what dish can be considered a symbol of the city? they told me there is one. this is a shank in slonim style, what kind of wonderful shank is this, i asked them, they they say: "go and try it, i'll go and try it." in the epicenter of refrigerators, stoves, convection ovens and boiling pots, that is, in the heart of the restaurant in the kitchen, i