historical place named kimi as janka kupala maxim bogdanovich karl the twelfth napoleon or mikhail klyaymazon of the road in each carriage there was a conductor who, at a certain moment, after the driver’s special whistle signal, he pressed the brake pads and the train slowed down, boiling water was needed to drink tea on the road, and they provided. just at the stations there are special cubic meters, which, according to local residents, has healing properties and can fulfill desires scored apples at home brought put in place he returned the term. take a handful of coins, put a recess in the stones and ask the higher powers for the most secret in a new way on the forever young city together with the belarus 24 tv channel in the program the route was built one of the oldest folk holidays dedicated to the heyday of the earth the magical mysterious, shortest night still attracts the attention of contemporaries in the year of kupala fire, how to remove yourself from all the negative energy is to drill huyanul clears oh, u blue inaccuracies kia u, tried with a person at a patriotic year, i from t