dated diary of the poet mikhail kuzmin dated diary of the poet mikhail kuzmin dated may 24, 1906 can get tauride there you can get tauride there you can get anyone even a song, even a sprint, finds anyone even a song, even a sprint, finds anyone even a song, even a sprint, finds so easily an outsider young so easily an outsider young so easily an outsider young man man man [music] [music] [music] i have been working with a psychoanalyst for the last 10 years, at least with long i have been working with a psychoanalyst for the last 10 years, at least with long i have been working with a psychoanalyst for the last 10 years, at least with long breaks, i breaks, i breaks, i come to him every week, i lie down and come to him every week, i lie down and come to him every week, i lie down and talk, and to this person i owe the talk, and to this person i owe the talk, and to this person i owe the fact that i didn’t go kukuha, not in february, fact that i didn’t go kukuha, not in february, fact that i didn’t go kukuha, not in february, not now in september [000:16:38;00] it is worth appear