ideals panteleimon kulish and, for us, mirny carrot and ivan nichulevitsky, stepan rudansky and mikhail staritskyferent genres and plots, a whole kaleidoscope of heroes, comes to ukrainian culture. unites. the main thing. they come from the village or live on earth these heroes are united by the main thing, they come from the village or live on the earth their ideas about goodness and justice about what is bad and what is not very everything from there and the rural community with its naive, simple-minded, and sometimes wild mores of the 19th century. not all the heroes of this peasant literature professed european ideals about how the ukrainian classics ate stories from the life of the ukrainian village in the plot of olga mokhova what do you want to eat again to create a colorful cartoon, there once was a dog based on the ukrainian folk tale serko directors eduard nazarov specially traveled to villages and museums , local landscapes and everyday life have always been attractive to creators, but as a writer, the village gave her inspiration and vivid details, a national character and priceless e