mikhas slunkov. mishka - heta mikhas slunkov?would be a kazel, a kazel, and a beetle? geta was a dog, tsyaper zgadvaytse aўtara? mikhas lynkov. geta is correct adkaz. mikhal slynko wrote a work: the great courage of mishka and the great comrades. this is what our nichya grazed for the competition, looking at it. 370, 370. in this round you will have a reaction, reaction and an hourly leak, before you there is a kryzhanka, which you musіtse poўnіts adkazamі, i will only give that the dygraphs j occupy two cells. are we listening to the brains of the competition? yes yes. the udzelniks are solving the goose bump through torture. the signal from the command that has the latest version is down. for correct skin orders 10 points. yashche adna zauvaga. this competition has a draw, what is it? kali raptam, the same command pressed the button and gave the wrong order. the geta has its own variyant, and it is possible to have a different command. and if these statements are correct, we will pay five dollars. the gooseberry has appeared on