yan barshevski, mikhas slynko, ivan syarko and yan kabryl. are your daring ones?pse came from the collection of works, as they call the szlyakhtsits for... speak to you, and give way to the gulnu, kira l i tanya, applause for padrymki, respect, rumor ўryvak. we followed the sled quickly, the pack did not fall asleep, and then we sat down in the dusty fields, and we became a hill-slide, now hell of a fire, here of hell of a heat, as we swallowed daganying falling water, and here we are covered, because we are not going to war, there we would show ourselves, and at the same time we would roll. would be on tanks, they would collect shell casings, or else they would use pellet guns, which are what sailors use in film films and revaluation. who is the author of the creative work? mikhas slynko, ivan syarkov, yanka bryl and yakub kolas. i'm flying that ivan syarkov. geta uzho adkaz? no, pakul, what are we thinking? i'm flying. the good news is that they don’t fight for war. i guess it was, well, yang were... geta are correct adkaz. malaychyna. i sapravdy geta ўryvak z t