circuit at the time that he was nominated -- lamb: and so was ab and so was ab mikva, so they were both on the same court and bork, still, was hearing cases, were very close friends. they had gone to law school together, at chicago. and so, bork was frequently in the office, consulting with ab mikva about the whole ordeal that he was going through. we, of course, the clerks, were not privy to these conversations but it was striking that they, clearly, were very close friends. and i know, robert bork trusted ab mikva, his wisdom and his acumen and his advice. lamb: so how did you get your job in the solicitor general's office of the -- which president? wax: it was reagan, and charles fried was the solicitor general at the time. this was towards the end of his tenure as the solicitor general, that i was hired. i had been -- i had lucked into a summer internship at the solicitor general's office while i was at columbia law school. i had a professor who was a visiting professor from chicago. he's rather famous. his name is cass sunstein, and prolifi