yeah, now the law philippa left, he found on milan moscow. moscow. the d. v. d plastic. doctor dow armed study bio plastics. the 5 years. not long after the pandemic began in 2020, he noticed medical weiss building up there must have master. great. okay. yeah, i'm looking at another sanusi actually or implement that he got medulla recycling. yeah. yeah, api appa masquerade will be popping up. had it come with him, he long, but i think i would do now. daddy maybe allergies to him did. they will be very the rims of what they both say. yep. yep. how did organ serve their party, but again, oh sorry, little alma. yeah. must go to moscow i need, but it is out of the one with knowing that a lot of medical waste contains plastic. doctor da, mom and his colleagues set about finding a way to safely treat and recycle a process they have now master. there is, i see that any was put on my screen it up on boulevard, knew that he was at our crap and we'll get to pick her up about marbella. it must be foolish, snable that be if he a doctor dom and his team 1st sterilized the masks with