reality it is very, very difficult to bring a state to responsibility in the case of sloboda, well , milashevichhow was it then, there were many such cases, so they did not talk about a specific state and the entire state as such a-a yes, in his case it was and was an individual case and the accusations were plural er-er there was no proof er question genocide, because when we talk about the issue of e to c here, genocide did not begin as some kind of crime, but actually as a sociological e has sociological roots and then it sprouted and became precisely the sense that we see now, which was the reason for the multiple murders of the first world war e- it is also after the second world war, so when it is not possible to turn off the issue of genocide due to the regulation of conventional genocide, this is also a problem, because in fact now genocide is recognized as a war crime in many countries. and then what about people which have really violated international law, which international ones deal with such cases, for example, in our case, in the case of ukraine, of course we, if we are talking a