the company's director of business development miles katz explains the renewed interest in the use of psychedelic drugs we live in a world that's like highly. digitalize and so we're always looking at screens and you know our our societal norms for a work life balance are really healthy and so people really feel themselves going through the motions of things but not really living a fulfilling life or to their full potential or really feeling connected to anything at all and that's often one of the most powerful outcomes from these experiences for people just feel this immense sense of connection to themselves again and the natural world to the other people in the group that they share these experiences with. we weren't allowed to film the clients actually experiencing a psychedelic trip but we did watch the staff prepare the drugs. after the clients have consumed a cilla site in truffle they lie down and wait for the whole nation engine to take effect an average experience lasts up to 8 hours and nurses present at all times but not a qualified drug therapist. the next day keith tells