joining us now is miles lockwood, asa's director of complaints and investigations. ad was seriously offensive and irresponsible because through the use of creatives, it objectified women. through a cumulative effect, it focused on exposed parts of this woman's body in a way which was unacceptable and overstepped the mark. that is why we have banned the ad today. you could say that although this ad was supposed to be selling clothing, the thing it was really selling was women as a sex object, and that is wrong. how many complaints did you get about this ad? we only got one complaint, but we don't play a numbers game. the interesting thing about the complainant was that they told us they had been watching a food programme on youtube with their child when this ad appeared, and that drives home the point that advertising invites itself into people's homes unannounced. that is one of the reasons why we take a strict line with sexual objectification in advertisements. it is not acceptable and it is unnecessary. how difficult is it to decide yes or no and whether to uphold