miles mcmahon returning from kansas contestant. $7,000 in the bank before we had to stop yesterday. so our starting point today is getting to that halfway point to a million dollars, $10,000. good place to start. >> yeah. >> all three lifelines on the board. you feel good coming back into today? >> i am ready to go. >> all right, then let's do it. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ all right, as i said, starting with $10,000. here's the question. keeping on the move and one step ahead of his enemies, what former leader of the plo reportedly never spent two nights in the same place? >> got it. i think i've actually heard of this. >> kay. >> read of this before. so keeping on the move and one step ahead of his enemies,erf e reportedly never spent two nights in the same place? hmm... i am heavily leaning towards that it is b, yasser arafat. menachem begin, no. hamid karzai, no. he's afghanistan. begin i do believe was egypt. gamal abdel nasser. that one i'm not as sure, so, you know