the ancient greek philosopher and mathematician thales of miletus once said: "everything is water." and indeed, a plant, an animal, and even you and me, 60%, let me remind you, also consist of from the water. well, about what kind of water we drink today, how it is purified , how high-quality and safe it is, we talked for the past half hour and once again became convinced that the topic is " simple parts and tools, complex units of machines and machines. the country's industry today does a lot well and quickly enough. for example, a modern tractor comes off the mtz conveyor in less than 3 minutes. but the design and so-called industrial development of these machines needed in the national economy took years. at the address grain growers a generous and unsweetened stream went new. they will be remembered forever by sons grandchildren. benefit of dancing. the first is physical activity. now a lot of people who sit at the computer, they just do not have enough activity to move somewhere. and dancing - this gives an opportunity. the second benefit is communication, a community that will