owned by the polish benzion family, a fake homeland like their last name, which was changed by miley kowsky. they had given the name of mrs. the second polish family is now the prime minister of the zionist regime. and the forces under his command are busy evicting dozens of palestinians from their homes every day. zionists from other countries will live in the place of the palestinian owners of these houses. now the users of the virtual space are reminding the zionists that this is not their home with the hashtag "return to home". one writes about the crimes of polish officials of the zionist regime: figures such as netanyahu, shiron perrez, menakhen begin and bangorin, the founder of the occupied jerusalem regime. as the first prime minister of israel, ben gurion poisoned the water wells of the palestinian people. although from he was from the countryside, but he committed many crimes in israel. a user of ukrainian ishaq rabin says: ishaq rabin, the fifth prime minister of israel , was originally from ukraine, but with the cooperation of israel, he committed crimes and massacres in palest