when mileya was asked if this was true, he replied that it was spiritual. life is his personal matteracting a specialized company. in the usa and a number of other countries, this is already an established business. for cloning, you only need a square centimeter of skin, the procedure cost about $50,000, so now clones live with mr. miley, although, of course, they are far from 100% conon: murray, milton, robert and lucas. all of them are named after three favorite economists. built a good career as an economist, worked in a bank, taught for students, but became famous several years ago when he started regularly appearing in tv projects, since then outbursts of anger, shouting, altercations, insults and profanity have become his signature style. you can’t give shitcrats an inch, you can define the concept. all collectivists, all types of collectivists, but why do you call them shit, because they are shit, in 2018, for example, he called the journalist... teresa frias an ass, who does not understand anything and was sued for violating the law on protection from gender-based violence, al