according to your department, 1.2 milhouses in california are vulnerable because they are not boltednot we need earthquake retrofitting work. >> go outside your house and look at the base of the house. if you have a crawl space and your house was constructed before 1979, particularly the older homes, pre-1940s, likely your house is not bolted to the foundation and the crawl space is not braced. >> chances are it has not been done unless that was written in paperwork when you bought it, i guess. now, in this program, homeowners can apry for up to $3,000 in grant -- apply for up to $3,000 in grant money to do some of this retrofit work. from what i can see, the average costs can be four to five to $10,000 or maybe even more. so is the $3,000 enough? are you hearing from people that, well, it's a help so more likely to do this work? >> absolutely. it's the tipping point for many homeowners. and we find that it's about $5,000 on average statewide, and for many homeowners that's enough to get them do it. they have been thinking about it and they go out and they get some free bids from con