the 400 wealthiest households in america because of this tax cut will see annual tax cuts of $7 milillioner household. with60 million households incomes below $200,000 will get zero from this, except some 10 million to 20 million lose health insurance coverage because of this. juan: another feature of the proposal appears to be dealing with medicaid and turning the expansion of medicaid under obamacare for a greater number of low income individuals into block grants that would be capped. in essence, the state at one point or another within face a cap on federal aid under medicaid. >> yes, absolutely. the republican agenda is to try and shrink the federal obligation to low-income coverage throuough medicaid, as much as they can. ththis has been n a tough balang states them because 31 expanded states expanded medicaid to about 10 millioion low income americans,0 million to 11 million. there is been a real struggle because about h half of those states arere now representeded y rerepublican governors who do nt want to see the dramatic losses in coverage that the republicans would like to achi