his name was michael milken. he was famous for figuring out a new and ingenious and, it turns out, a legal way for wall street traders to get even more fantastically rich, using junk bonds, to stage corporate takeovers. and you don't need to understand the intricacies of this junk bond scam to know the kind of character he was. do you remember the movie wall street? michael douglas, greed is good? that was based on michael milken. this is how the post described him on the day he was finally indicted. quote, milken, a wharton school graduate, who lives in clark gables former home in california, and drives to work in a mercedes benz, has been praised by some as a brilliant visionary and assail by others for triggering a wave of hostile takeovers while generating fees for young and aggressive traders. he did that, and then the law showed up. the king of junk bonds, michael milken, was indicted today on charges of fraud and racketeering. charged with him in the indictment was his brother and another former trader for