between red and blue and blue and red and still over the course of forty years according to the milken institute study you know the middle class media median incomes for american in a work forty years then with a college degree down twelve percent middle the high school diploma only down forty seven percent there are america agree i want to talk to counter-argument here for a second during a crisis the federal reserve expanded its balance sheet by three trillion dollars during the european crisis the european central bank has expanded its balance sheet by about three trillion euros the bank of england bank of japan are all expanding their balance sheets. and in so doing they are supporting the dollar they are creating a market where the dollar is never allowed to find its true price no matter how many people go to jail no matter what the unemployment rate is no matter how bad wages are no matter how disgusting the social inequality gets the dollar is a made currency is protected by the central bank mafia it can f. with the dollar or you could be accused of some crime and end up in the prison ind