we put together working with millaman in june this interesting info graphic which shows every dollar you're paying in where does that money go. i encourage you to look at it online, it has the detailed methodology and breakdown and what all these different categories mean because that's really important. but if you look at it 22.3 cents of your dollar go to prescription drugs, that's significantly growing over time, 22 cents to pay dollars, 16 cents to hospitals and so on. so i think that's a really good thing for you all to think about when sort of talking about premiums, where does that money actually go? we're having to pay people to deliver healthcare that everyone needs and is so important. well, what drives how much those drugs cost or what those doctors require in terms of reimbursement, et cetera? there's several things that you all have to think about. i mentioned prescription drugs and obviously that drives that significant portion of your premium dollar, but who is covered? are they old? are they young? are they healthy? are they sick? sort of all that drives so does the p