. -- i thought rich miller's piece was -- you try to noodle a little bit into the tunnel you want of the hudson river. martyere are people who say everyone concedes there does need to be some aid to counter the effects of coronavirus on the economy. then there are people who say this package goes beyond aid. it is a stimulus package. some people suggest that the economy is doing quite well, even though you have close to 10 million people who have lost their jobs during the pandemic. francine: marty, why has president biden not spoken to president xi of china on the phone? marty: i guess he is still trying to get his ducks in a row on exactly what stance he wants to take with china. there was lots of pre-election conversation that he was likely to maintain, the stance on trade against china, but that he might try to reopen the discussions some way. i think there is some disagreement within the administration itself on how to approach china, and until he is ready, he is going to hold off. tom: with the passing of george schultz, dying at 100 years old, and of course that famous george schultz quote on trust,