that afternoon, my name is millie conover, she financial officer of laguna honda presenting the 2022 budget. i'll start by giving you a bit of background about the program. the laguna honda fund is funded through public donations received either directly through our website or directly from donors or through our organization city bridge. the donations are spent exclusively on laguna honda residents on programming that supports general benefit and quality initiatives. the fund is managed by our laguna honda fund committee and the day-to-day administration of the funds are managed by our program coordinator. we manage them all under the guidelines from the city's office of the comptroller . that's just a bit of background. so on to the budget. you should have received in your packet the one pager that has the year end report from fiscal 21 and also the budget for fiscal 22 allowed just kind of walk you through that document and i'll start with the fiscal 22 budget. a high level our request for approval is 449,000 for the year. the gift fund committee with the development of the budget