. >> reince: would put millio into high-risk pools to buy down any premium that they would have two pay for. that's just in the house bill. what this tells you is when president trump brought billy long, fred upton, greg walton and dr. burgess into his office last week he said let's work it out, let's make sure this pre-existing condition is taken care of. president trump made it happen, which should show every american to how committed he is to making sure that if you have a pre-existing condition, this president is not going to let you down. >> chris: you're talking about that narrowly. there are arguments against it, we will talk about that in the next segment. the broader point, cdr released an analysis of the last bill, and let's put the stats up on that. by next year, the they said 14 annoying people covered under obamacare will lose their insurance by 2,026, 24 million people were that's not taking care of everybody as the president promised. >> reince: we don't buy it cbo score. we are also going to have more options for people, they will have different levels of options for peo