martin dempssy says his iiad is not only rucial for him, but its the kinn of technologg the entire milltarypenns on.and what i am interested in by the way is we have, one of thh lessons we years of war is tte extent to which we have pushed capability to the edde, to empowerrthat unior leader at the edge of all this with the understand what is going on. the military does have tt be viruses and worms most devices muut be sed in a standalone mode. they cannot bb diiectly connncted to military computer networks.this is probably the tactical outpost of the future, becauss the power, the generating power, ann the ddta managing power of these devices innthe futtre,,and i'm looking out to 2020 or such, that whhrever the commanner is, iffhe and hhs staff have thhse devices thhs can be your tactical operation center and every bit of information you need t some point will be but even piiots flying over afghanistan and libbaa ssd commercial maps loaded into their ipads....hen flying combat of course isn't the only company with this kind of technology. but in a siin of how high the milita