jackson, general milroy was a real feisty guy and he knew he had to fall back the next day.ecided to launch a kind of a holding action, diversionary action. delaying attack. and got permission from four regiments against jackson, completely taking jackson's by surprise. and this was a battle that they fought to a standstill, more casualties that he endured. ashby was dead by the. he was killed a week earlier. is calvary played no appreciable roll there. and the confederate calvary that was involved, trying to pursue the two federal prograde that falling back down the page valley, burnt themselves out after a couple of miles. off the top of my head, i can't think of any time with ashby bailed him out. in fact, it was ashby's incorrect conclusion as to the federal strength in winchester that largely led jackson to give battle there. ashby had a skirmish the night before, had intelligence from women in the city, and other sources concluded that there were only a handful of federalists in the area when in fact, they outnumber jackson about three to one. so ashby really, i mean,