of the hot spot, more than three hundred cars, these pickups and minivans and trucks were sent to milsad now the initiative of the mechanics has been picked up by ordinary vinnytsia residents as a wish it rallied the people to victory, what was the profit from this , see further, it seems that this workshop does not know rest, there are dozens of cars for the armed forces, some of them have just been brought from abroad, they are adapted to the needs of the military, we will bring the car to zero to the ideal, then we will give it away, and everything else will be modernized, they will throw away the floor we installed the metal, we make the arches, then the car will go to the awning and the awning will be painted and the guys will carry it, there are ammunitions and they were brought from the front in this car, now they are repairing the damage and the wave overturned, the roof was littered, we stretched it eh, the hood was also bent, it was also stretched , they made a rough draft while the guys asked to make good bumpers for them, so we made a bumper a bit higher from rough metal, we