the next, milton freeman -- milton friedman. mark comes byand, his knowledge of milton friedman on a first-hand basis. reveal, they had a dear, but occasionally prickly relationship. the two of them constantly argued over a variety of issues, but always remained cordial. mark was probably the last person to go out to lunch with milton friedman he for he died of a heart attack on november 16, 2006. mark over account their friendship, -- will recount their friendship and discuss their differences over money, education, taxation, the nobel prize, religion, and host of other topics. only once did things get a cat out of control -- a tad out of control, a moment when mark tore up milton friedman's $20 bill. i will let him regale you with the details of that story. a jack of many trades and . master of most of them a phd in economics from george washington university, he has been a university professor, an economist, an investment expert, entrepreneur, and the author of more than 25 books. mark has taught economics and finance at colu