. >> if you are in the military there is a random -- random mimitary. you may show up one month in a row and then a few days in a row. is that similar to the t.s.a.? >> i don't know the full details but i would imagine the random is as as you mention. >> could you confirm that? >> yes. >> on the other paradigms i would like you to delve into that. once you get in, people are people, we have people that are radicalized and influenced by things, dejected, what have you, influenced by blackmail. it seems to me this is critical. this infrastructure we protect. the american flying public that there should be a robust paradigm that is random and varied and covers the full panel so we keep honest people honest. i would like your thoughts and you could get back to me on that as well. let me move on to another questions. to at times, punish those who elevate the terms. in june, the t.s.a. reassigned her requiring her to move to work across the country in just three days. are you familiar? if you can, can you explain if this is occurring, how it can occur. >> i w