we've done it, mimsey. we're gonna win the science fair for sure.skull. i'm talking about bitches. you know what girls like? they like winners. and when we win the science fair, we're gonna be up to our ears in pussy. is it just me, or are things around here getting worse and worse? it's definitely not just you. i think everyone's is shock that heidi went back to cartman. what keeps driving her back to him? it's so weird. and she's so... mean and angry these days. people change. they say you become more and more like the person you're with, and i guess it's true with heidi. hey guys, wassup? hey, heidi. what are you guys talking about? nothing. bullcrap, you're all talking about me again! 'cause you're judgmental bitches. [ burps ] eh. heidi... are you okay? it's just... you look... i look what? you know, you just look -- what, i look fat? is that what you wanna say, wendy? [bleep] you, bitch. she's just concerned, heidi. [ mockingly ] meh, myeh, meh, meh, meh, heidi. [ normal voice ] i'm just trying to enjoy my lunch here. can i do it without you g